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Points of Expertise


Cultural Competence/Cultural Humility

Humanity is changing and we must learn to work, live and interact with those outside of our own cultural norms. It is our intent to provide a holistic, interact training that introduces staff to recognizing how to attain cultural humility and learn to meet each client where they are.


HIV 101

This training will provide participant's basic knowledge and develop additional skills in the areas of HIV counseling and testing, HIV transmission modes, essential communication skills, basic HIV science, risk reduction plan development, identifying behaviors that make clients at higher risk of HIV infection, and HIV prevention and intervention strategies.


This training discusses:


HIV Science

The Distinction Between HIV and AIDS

HIV Transmission Modes

Communication and Counseling Skills

Developing and Negotiating a Risk Reduction Plan

Identify Higher Risk Behaviors

HIV Prevention and Intervention Strategies


Biomedical HIV Prevention

This training focuses on the importance of biomedical prevention tools such as PrEP, PEP, TasP, and U=U in ending the HIV epidemic. Discussion is developed around the idea of preventing new infections, by offering prevention as a part of routine care.


Implicit Bias/Stigma Training

The implicit bias training seeks to bring awareness and reduce stigma of actions and behaviors that are often unconscious in nature. Further, we strive to convey that bias’ are natural and although they have negative effects, often there is not malicious intentions. By appreciating that biases are part of the human condition, it becomes easier to recognize and label them.


Taking a Sexual Health History

Providers must shift to be able to interact in an honest and candid method of discussing sexual health.We provide the tools to ask about the Centers for Disease Control recommended five Ps. Partners, Prevention of Pregnancy, Protection from STIs, Practices, Past History of STIs must all be considered when having a healthy dialogue about sex. Conversation must occur in settings that offer respect, compassion, and a non-judgmental attitude regarding of sexual orientation or gender identity.



Special Populations: LGBTQ

Fully comprehensive healthcare must be inclusive of all regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.But what happens when one does not understand the terms or how to communicate in ways that are affirming and defer from stigmatizing and discriminatory statements. This training offers a safe space for learners to ask the tough questions in order to gain a deeper understanding of those outside of the heterosexual experience.Learners will learn how to create a safe and affirming environment, and opportunities to enhance marketing efforts to attract LGBTQ clients to your facility.

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